Chicago, November 11-13, 2000
Networked media - map the new landscape of experience; highlites:
Don't Look Back sequence w/cards] Michael
Schrage/MIT Media Lab -designers as editors,
not creators. "how are you going to waste iterative capital" -transparency:
customers will audit development [Christopher Alexander A
Pattern Language]
FRIDAY Mohan Sawhney/Kellogg
School of Management, Northwestern U. -we learn about
things by drawing boundaries around them (but
remember) the compass is not the landscape, the
lens is not the eye, the scaffold is not the building -the
purpose of black and white markers is to help us
understand grayness. don't focus on end points BOUNDARIES: -QUESTION
them (always ask why?) -BRIDGE
them(make the connection) -TRANSCEND
them (dive down to rise above) Christopher
McCarthy/iQ.com 1) don't let the technology
drive 2) track the culture 3) embrace & extend the will of the
people 4) describe the future, then build it "orange is the new black"
Tim Parsey/Motorola -"savored a door slam"
-intimate interfaces -humanism/resonance "sweet
spots" digital & physical -resonance libraries -non-arrogant design
language Hugh Dubberly/AOL-Netscape -concept
map: represent ideas - learning how to learn -models: -improve understanding
of problem -increase communication w/team -provide record [Argument
Clinic - Monty Python 1973] Lisa Strausfeld/InformationArt
-information art - ambient (decorative) display
of information in public or private space -QUOKKA - visualize motorsports
-information as entertainment
SATURDAY Idit Harel/MaMaMedia
-move toward greater control & participation in media experience. 1) Consume
2) Consume, Choose 3) Consume, Choose, Create kids value: -multitasking
-control -looking for "hard fun" -learning
all the time -diversity, individuality -want tools, not answers -want
to customize Tom Hobbs/MetaDesign -Fabrica.it
-Colors magazine online -Sony VAIOnet100 David
Small -words on food: read, then eat -laser cut type on vegetables
-read Talmud w/other person, back & forth, argue,
eat, get crumbs in binding
SUNDAY Nick Durrant/Icon
Medialab -telepresence - men's room -we live our lives through questions:
-who am I? -what is my purpose? -what are my values? INFORMATION->COMMUNICATION->TRANSACTION->
?? (INTEGRATION)the task of living is designing one's
self scale/people: conversation=4;
intimacy (when they die, your life will change)=12;
understanding (class size?)=40; recognition
(good size for company)=140; memory (headmaster
remembers faces in school)=2,000; neighborhood
(sense of belonging)=10,000 Natalia
Ilyin/NICO -semiotics-sign transfer -meaning created thru images
-the stories we tell -the myths of our culture -old
myths: teach people how to live -our
myths: teach people how to buy "wheel
of fortune" = ups & downs of life Jeff Wert/Wert
& Co. -epiphanies & visions [Bunny 1998] -spirituality
= empathy?
These, more or less, are the notes I took
during the American Center for Design's 2000 Living Surfaces conference.
The event was tremendously energizing for me; while these notes may seem
woefully brief for a 3-day event, these are ideas that really grabbed
me. The trip itself was a part of it, too. I rode Amtrak's Lakeshore Limited
from Cleveland to Chicago & back, gliding through the midwest landscape
of fields, junkyards, backyards and highways. If you have the time (about
7 hrs.) you can't beat it as a way to travel. While in Chicago I rode
trains above and below more backyards, past brick warehouses being transformed
into yuppie condos.
And, as may be apparent, this article is my first serious experimentation
with CSS. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
are the preferred approach to dealing with many issues in web design.
They allow a much more fluid approach to design, which I took advantage
of when creating this article. I used typographic variations to indicate
the importance of the ideas I had jotted down.
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