RECENT ADDITIONS (updated January 28, 2005 )

The Senator & the Rock Star Two views of America's values. Who says it better?
What now?
Post-inauguration commentary from a progressive viewpoint.
Online activism  Websites make it easy to express your views on hot issues.
Who should I write to?  Incredibly simple, comprehensive online guide to contacting the media and/or elected officials.
New Year's Resolutions   Read ours, send us yours.
Bruce made me do it   About this site.
"It's the Terrorism, Stupid"  The head of A.C.T. explains what went wrong.



Fed up with mainstream press puff pieces on the inauguration? Get another view from the Progressives' Guide to the Inauguration...

New/Blue Year's Resolutions:
Here are a few to get you started... send in your own. Resolution #1: Don't give up...

"It's the Terrorism, Stupid" 
Why did Ohio go for Bush? It wasn't the religious right or a superior Republican grassroots effort. It was something else...

The progressive vision must appeal to the values of liberty, equality, community, justice, unconditional love, shared prosperity, and ecological restoration..." Read more: Nov. 3rd Theses.

What went wrong: Why Americans hate liberals.

"Progressive Centrism" a la Bill Clinton: Third Way.

You've seen the red/blue maps, take a look at the purple states, showing percentages of votes from 100% Bush to 100% Kerry.

Purple states - map of U.S.

This site use maps to slices & dice the results in several other interesting ways.

Common Dreams NewsCenter: politics, issues and breaking news from a progressive perspective.

In case you've considered it, here are 10 Reasons Not To Move to Canada.

Blue states/red states shown by electoral votes. (Click on "View according to Electoral Votes"). The map looks much more encouraging.

Election results county by county. Note that Bush won by less than 5% in 162 counties. If we can win over just a few of our neighbors, we can shift the balance.

National map shows the states that were "barely Bush." 

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51% no mandate mini-poster
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Grassroots organizing:

CodePink is a women initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement. They're involved in a wide range of actions, from Stop the War Now to an Anti-Hummer Campaign. working "to bring ordinary people back into politics," primarily via email and online organizing efforts. True to form, they've created an online forum where you can make and vote on suggestions for their future efforts: the Action Forum.

Americans Coming Together working to "train and mobilize a new generation of leaders," primarily via in-person, door-to-door canvassing.

B.O.B. (Bring Ohio Back)
(recommended by Dan Levin) working "to educate Ohioans about the failures of the Bush administration."


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