Media Design Home


Apple Intro to iMovie
Just the basics, but couldn't be more simple or more clear. If you've never touched iMovie, a good starting point.
Apple iMovie Support
More indepth information than above, includes troubleshooting issues. Excellent.
Atomic Learning
More detailed than the Apple tutorial. Based on iMovie 2 and System 9, so  the principles are the same, but details aren't.
Movie-making Tips
How to  tell a story with video: camera shots, transitions, story structure, and more. (Some broken links as of Nov. 04)

Two or more students recommended each of the sites below:


Color Matters
One-stop shopping for all sorts of information about color. Compare your preferences to the rest of the world's: take the Global Color Survey.
Color, Contrast & Dimension
Interactive experiments in the power of color. A little theory, a little practice, a lot to play with.


Nicely animated demos of type structure, measurement, etc.  A great place to start if you don't know much about type; if you love type, you'll enjoy it too.
All Good Things Typography
Comprehensive resource on choosing and using type, with links to even more font sites.
WPDFD - Typography
The always-helpful Web Page Design for Designers  explains how type online differs from type in print.
Typofile - Techniques
Maybe a bit wordy, but good, informed opinions on how to use type on the web.  Try using ESPERFONTO to help you choose a font for your next project!
Type Glossary
The best part of the Microsoft Typography website: all those strange words, explained with a bit of humor.