Amendment 1

Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and to petition the government to redress grievances.
For speech: you can say to a cop, "Isn't the dick supposed to be underneath the horse, not on top of it?"

For religion: you can believe in more than one god/goddess and no one can make you change your religion.

For assembly: you can peacefully assemble in a government officials yard to try to convince the person to take back the mistake of a decision the person made.

For press: You can report news about a government official miusing his priveleges.

For petition: you can petition to have a law modified.
Amendment 2

The right to bear arms for the security of a free state.
This one is self-explanatory, but if you need a more basic can own a weapon.
Amendment 3

No soldier shall be quatered in any house without the consent of the owner.
You don't have to invite cops, marines/navy/army and all around soldiers into your house to stay.
Amendment 4

The right to be secure in themselves, their houses, and everything else against unreasonable search and seizure except for by probable cause, supported by an affirmation or an oath describing everything to be searched or seized.
If they don't have a search/seizure warrant describing down to the very last detail, they can't search anywhere or take anything...not legally, at least.
Amendment 5

No one shall be held to answer for something unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, with the exception of cases arising in naval forces/military, when in service in time of war or public danger; nor shall anyone be subject to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense; nor be a witness against themselves in any criminal case; nor be deprived of things without due process of law; nor property be taken for public use without compensation that is just.
You don't have to say anything unless in front of a grand jury, or if you're in the army, etc. while there's a war going on.
Amendment 6

The right to a fair and speedy public trial by an impartial jury, and to have assistance of counsel for his defense, as well as have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses on his side.
You can have a fair trial instead of not having one and just getting sentenced, and possibly killed, before you could say anything in your defense.
Amendment 7

In common law cases/suits, where the value that is in controversy is higher than twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury is preserved, and no fact that is tried by a jury shall be reexamined in any court of the United States according to the rules of the common law.
You can't be forced into court for the exact same crime that you have been to court for(double jeopardy).
Amendment 8

No cruel or unusual punishment, nor excessive bail will be required, nor fines be imposed excessively.
A judge cannot rule that you have to pay so much every year to keep yourself out of jail, or put too many fines on you, and they also can't give someone a sentence of 5 years for first degree murder, then give someone else life or the electric chair for the same. Basically, they can't treat you unfairly.
Amendment 9

The enumeration of certain rights in the constitution shall not be construed to disparage or deny the others that are retained by the people.
All rights given to the people in the constituion can't be withheld or given away.
Amendment 10

The powers that aren't delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Just because it's not said in the constitution, like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it doesn't mean the people aren't allowed to pursue it.
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