About this Site record albums
When I heard the details of our final project for the Web Publishing Class I was taking, I felt a flutter of excitement. My two greatest loves....art and music....rolled into one. Not only music, but 60's Music! (we were permitted to select our own musical genre). Naturally, I couldn't have chosen anything else. The sixties, while not really a part of my teen years, are a part of my blood. I'm actually a "70's Child", growing up with Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Fleetwood Mac. And while the 70's still carried the ghosts of the hippies gone past, we were very much trying to make our OWN way. So why didn't I elect to focus on my era? I don't know, but maybe the key lies in my childhood.

I was a little girl when the fury of the sixties and the psychedelic era were whirling around me. I was standing right in the eye of the hurricane, yet, was completely oblivious to its magnitude. I wasn't even 5 years old when the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show....I remember John Kennedy's assassination (as well as MLK's), and I remember catching glimpses of the riots, protests and the Vietnam war on the TV while my dad watched the evening news. But I had no idea at the time, just how awesome it was just to be alive in the midst of all that. Maybe the sixties hold some deep sense of childhood nostalgia for me? Could that be the reason for the fascination? Maybe. But I don't think it's the only reason.

San Francisco Bands

The decade of the 1960's was one deluged with social, political and cultural change. Everyone was fighting for equality. The time was brimming with revolution.....on all levels. Couple this with thousands of young men dying in a war Americans shouldn't have been fighting (um, what's that line about history repeating itself?) Add to this the onslaught of psychedelic drugs and .....BAM! The makings of some seriously great music!

Call me old fashioned, but "they just don't write 'em like that anymore". Starting with the Beatles, to The Doors, to Hendrix, Janis, The Who, The Stones, and on and on and on, the myriad of GOOD bands and music that were birthed during the decade are mind-boggling. Music that still holds its own today. Nearly everything that everyone was writing was great! Creativity was at an all time "high" (pardon the pun), and has been unmatched ever since. Does everyone feel like this about "their" generation, I wonder? But like I said, this wasn't "my generation".......or was it? Though at the time I was too young to attend Woodstock, much less even understand what Woodstock really was, maybe the seeds of the 60's were somehow planted deep within my soul anyway. Maybe I too, through some process of osmosis, have become a sixties child after all.

I elected to focus on the Psychedelic Era of Rock-n-Roll, obviously, for all the reasons stated above. I find the music "out-of-sight!" (ok, that's a bit much!), the decade fascinating, the clothes cool and everything about it just groovy. Though some 40 years later, I don't tire of the music. "Hurdy Gurdy" Man still holds a place in my heart. Although really hard to fathom unless you were apart of it, I hope to at least shed a little light on the decade that forever changed the world, and pick up some new web skills while in the process (mainly, how to insert music into a web site). And as they say, "if you remember the sixties, you weren't there", perhaps this can provide some insightful flashbacks for those who were lucky enough to be caught in the whirl of the hurricane.

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