The Bill of Rights: Did Our Forefathers Ever Think It Would Come To This? |
The Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutional! Learn Why! Read the Fourth Amendment |
Is the Patriot Act Really Unpatriotic? When the First Congress of the United States drafted Amendments to our newly-birthed Constitution in 1791, I wonder if our Forefathers ever imagined the potential controversy that would surround their Bill of Rights some 200 years later.
Is Our Right to Bear Arms Too Costly? When Seung-Hui Cho purchased the handguns that created the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, he was exercising his First Amendment right to bear arms. But does the Bill of Rights that our founding fathers drafted in the 18th century need to be revised in the 21st? Is our right to bear arms creating needless death and tragedy when exercised by the wrong people? And where do we draw the line? Do we allow some these liberties and not others. Did our forefathers consider these arguments? Were they even able to comprehend the enormity of weapons that would be available a little over 200 years later.
Read "Imus Has Long Record of Incendiary Remarks" Learn About the First Amendment |
When Is Our First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech Carried Too Far? Then there's Don Imus and his "nappy-headed hos" remark, along with a host of other derogatory, racial and sexist comments. Can we say just about anything, no matter who it hurts or offends, all in the name of "freedom of speech?" Where do we draw the line? Is it even possible with a freedom like that? Apparently it is.
Is New Airport Xray Against the Fourth Amendment? Is NOTHING sacred anymore? Not even our own bodies? Isn't this against the Fourth Amendment?