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The 411

First Amendment | Your Basic Liberties

It's really like five amendments in one. It grants you the freedom to worship the god(s) of your choice, the freedom to say what you want, it means the newspapers, publications and other media are not censored by the government, it also means you are free to gather as you chose and that you get to march on Washington or write to Congress and petition them about wrong-doings.

Second Amendment | Right to Bear Arms

Lord knows we love our guns. This amendment guarantees each state can maintain a "well regulated Militia" and that we citizens have the right to own guns and use them to protect ourselves. The sticky wicket is that everybody can have a gun and there does seem to be a strong correlation between crime statistics and gun-filled countries like the US vs. say the gun restricted countries like Canada and England or Australia.

Third Amendment | Housing Our Troops

This one is rather outlandish by today's standards, but it protects us from being forced to provide lodging to the U.S. military.

Fourth Amendment | Searches & Seizures

If you watched just one cop show - you are already aware that the 5-0 needs a detailed warrant from a judge to enter and search your home or car.

Fifth Amendment | Rights of the Accused

This is another amendment that has spawned numerous catch-phrases: Innocent until proven guilty, double jeopardy, "I plead the fifth" (imagine all the perjury committed!), due process of law, the right to remain silent and eminent domain. That all adds up to a lot of protection for us. We can't be falsely accused. They have to pay us fairly if they decide to put in a new highway where our home now sits. Learn this one! If you ever do run into the law - you'll know what to say to protect yourself.

Sixth Amendment | Fair and Speedy Trials

If you do find yourself facing a trial - the sixth amendment guarantees you have a fair and speedy trial with an impartial jury and the opportunity to question your accuser.

Seventh & Eighth Amendments | Trials, Bails, Verdicts

These amendments state you are entitled to a jury in a civil trial and that you don't have to pay an unreasonably high bail (but don't the amounts always seem crazy? Like when bail is set at half a million dollars... shit. I know what's in my bank account and it ain't no million dollars) These amendments also provide that you are protected from cruel and unusual punishment.

Ninth & Tenth Amendments | The Disclaimers

Not quite as juicy as the ones above, but they do open the door to protecting us from any freedoms not stated above and they allow the individual states to establish their own laws. These two amendments define reserve powers.

But don't take my word for it..
» Read the Amendments for yourself.