Three Boys

About Those Boys

James, Will, and Charlie Anderson are brothers who have a lot of fun together. Some activities they enjoy include:

They also have their own personal interests.
Spend some time with James, Will, and Charlie. You'll have a lot of fun. I sure do!

Out and About

Here we are on the William G. Mather freighter in Cleveland. She was built in 1925 and ran regularly from Cleveland, OH, to Duluth, MN, until 1980. In the background, you can see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum.

James, Will, Charlie, and Mom on S.S. Mather w/Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in background

Pete took the boys camping in Letchworth State Park, NY, over Labor Day Weekend. On one of their hikes, they decided to take a "totem pole" break.

James, Will, Charlie as a totem pole

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