And Image Slicing is Outdated

Slow Including tables in your website takes up a lot of bandwidth. The larger your website is, the higher the bandwidth is needed, which translates to more website hosting fees. There is also more storage space needed for a website with tables, since the files are larger. Removing tables from your site will allow for faster load times for your content.

Hard to Find The info in tables is significantly buried in the website, making the search engines harder to find the page. The content on your site needs to be easily searchable, and if the content and info is buried deep within the coding of the table, it's much harder to find. Which, means that your site is going to be harder to find.

Tedious In my opinion, websites should be consistently updated as often as needed or possible. This will keep your audience interested and a reason to keep coming back. No one reads yesterday's paper over and over again, right? Same concept. Working with table layouts in your design not only makes the overall look stiff and blocky, but it is difficult and time-consuming to update. Using CSS will allow you to make global changes by one single edit, as opposed to updating everything on your site by hand. Seems like a no-brainer to me.