According to the Hesiod's Theogony (around 700 BC), in the beginning there was Chaos as a primeval state of existence. Chaos was the primal emptiness- a dark, silent, formless and infinite oddity with no trace of life.

Out of Chaos, Mother Earth Gaia first came to existence. Full of life and power, Gaia created high mountains, low lands, rivers, lakes and seas. Soon Chaos created Tartarus, the embodiment of the Underworld who built his home deep below the World of Gaia. Gaia and Tartarus united and created Typhoeus(Typhoon), an apalling, fire breathing dragon with hundred heads.

Then, out of Chaos love appeared in the form of Eros, who was the most handsome of all greek gods and invincible by nature. Chaos also gave birth to Erebus, the symbolization of the dark silence, and Nyx, the embodiment of the night. With the intervention of Eros, Erebus and Nyx united and Nyx created Aether (the Atmosphere) and Hemera (the Day).