
Miri Greenfeld


Foundational web design, planning and construction with emphasis on web standards, usability and accessibility. Students construct web pages in (X)HTML and CSS using basic text-editing software. Topics include analysis of how and why a website succeeds or fails, aesthetics and visual design for web, planning, creation, uploading and registration of sites, troubleshooting, search engine optimization and basic marketing strategies.

My Goals in Taking This Course:

I originally went to college to get an Associates Degree in Graphic Design, which I did in December of 2009. However since then I have not been able to find a job for several reasons. A lot of places I have been looking for jobs either want you to have at least one of the following, a bachelors degree, 3-5 years of professional experience, or experience with the web. Since I was lacking in some of those requirements I figured I'd better make it up in one area or another. So I chose to go back to college and learn all about HTML and CSS. I want to come out of this class knowing really well HTML and CSS so I can go to potential employers and tell them truthfully that I know how to create and website from scratch.