Welcome to the Erika show

Picture of me

Hello, My name is Erika Kranek and I am 21 years old. I am interested in children, sports, technology, music and most of all family and friends. My favorite books are the Twilight Saga and Harry Potter series. I love movies to an unhealthy extreme. I mostly like fantasy/sci-fi movies but comedies, action and dramas make up the rest. My Favorite T.V. shows are Two and a Half Men, Everybody loves raymond, House and the office. I am attending Cuyahoga Community College for my forth and last year. I will be graduating in May with an Associates of Applied business with a concentration in Interactive Media and Design. I am hoping to get a job offer as a beginning web designer right after I graduate. It was always certain to me that I would enjoy working for someone else more than myself, because then I get to benefit two people at the same time and maybe even more.