Robin Avatar
Web Design

VCIM 1570 Web Publishing I

Course Description:

Foundational web design, planning and construction with emphasis on web standards, usability and accessibility. Students construct web pages in (X)HTML and CSS using basic text-editing software.

Topics include analysis of how and why a website succeeds or fails, aesthetics and visual design for web, planning, creation, uploading and registration of sites, troubleshooting, search engine optimization and basic marketing strategies.

My Goal In Taking This Course:

For over five years now I have wanted to learn how to create websites. It all started when I met a young women from Australia, working in London (because of the value of the English Pound compared to the Australian Dollar), who was a website designer. Annette traveled six months of the year, and worked the other six months. I found that to be pretty cool. Work that allowed plenty of time to travel. Just my style.

So my goal in taking this course is to find another way to make money sitting at a computer, but doing stuff I enjoy. In August, I decided it was time to go for it. So I checked out what Tri-C had to offer, and here I am in Web Publishing I. As well as Graphic Design, PhotoShop, Layout and Design, and Mac Basics. Next semester I hope to take Animation, and WYSIWYG. Web Publishing II may have to wait another semester.