VCIM 1570 Web Publishing I

Butterfly Computer DesignFoundational web design, planning and construction with emphasis on web standards, usability and accessibility. Students construct web pages in (X)HTML and CSS using basic text-editing software.

Topics include analysis of how and why a website succeeds or fails, aesthetics and visual design for web, planning, creation, uploading and registration of sites, troubleshooting, search engine optimization and basic marketing strategies.


I am taking this course as an elective for my graphic design major.
I chose this class because I've always been interested in learning how
to design webpages. It is one of the fields in graphic design that I'm
most interested in. I hope to learn and understand everything I can
about setting up a webpage.

I have never really learned anything about HTML before, but I like what
I've learned so far in class. Though sometimes it seems overwhelming,
I'm trying my best to just take my time and not stress out about it.
I've learned with past graphic design classes that stressing out just
makes things worse. I hope that this class will help direct me towards
choosing what field of graphic design to go for for my career.