VCIM 1570 Web Publishing I
Foundational web design, planning and construction with emphasis on web standards,
usability and accessibility. Students construct web pages in (X)HTML and CSS using
basic text-editing software. Topics include analysis of how and why a website succeeds
or fails, aesthetics and visual design for web, planning, creation, uploading and
registration of sites, troubleshooting, search engine optimization and
basic marketing strategies.
I've spent the last 6 years as a print designer for American Greetings. I am a card planner
and I've worked on many program lines including Target and the Hispanic card line.
And while my skills with print design are sharp, I am pretty clueless when it comes to
web design. By taking this course, I hope to gain a basic understanding of XHTML
coding and CSS. I also plan on taking the Flash Dreamweaver class after this.
With my new found knowledge I have plans to seek a job that utilizes both
my print experience and web media skills, be that at American Greetings or beyond.