VCIM 1570 - Web Publishing I

Course Description:

Foundational web design, planning and construction with emphasis on web standards, usability and accessibility. Students construct web pages in (X)HTML and CSS using basic text-editing software. Topics include analysis of how and why a website succeeds or fails, aesthetics and visual design for web, planning, creation, uploading and registration of sites, troubleshooting, search engine optimisation and basic marketing strategies.

Why I'm Taking This Course:

Web design has always been an interest of mine and I hope, in the future, to someday obtain a job position where web design will be the major focus.

In going for a degree in Interactive Media & Design, web page design has become my major focus. This class is the building block to all that is webpage development and I am hoping to learn different techniques that will take my programming out of the HTML "stone age" and into the shiny future of XHTML.

Since we are programming in complete HTML without any of the fun tools of advanced programs, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, we are able to go back to our "roots" and explore the interworking of the webpage to help us understand functionality as a prime directive, instead of display value. These skills I feel I will take with me into the future and am enjoying learning how the basics can actually be very advanced.