BC--Before Children

Before I had children, I was an engineer. I did highway design mainly, although I majored in structural design in school. I've forgotten way too much of the structures theory to ever go back into that, altho I did like it a lot.

In fact, some would say it makes little sense to go back into a career after two decades away from it. Which is why I'm switching careers!

Sometimes I wonder if the schooling is really just an outlet to keep my mind off of 'The Most Important Thing'-- which will be discussed later-- and which many people would prefer that I didn't fixate on.

Web Design

I made my first web site many years ago, using a text editor just like this. Then, a year or two later, I worked on one for the North Royalton soccer team. The man who took over the site made it look really spiffy using FrontPage. I later got access to FrontPage. I don't miss it.

The Most Important Thing--Vaccine Injury

Ah yes, the most important thing. In 2004 it came to my attention that there were those who believed that the mercury in vaccines can cause problems. I have ooooooh so many reasons for believing this is true. "Don't even get me started!", I say to people, because once I start talking about it it is hard for me to stop.

My family is sick of hearing about it, as are so many people, and so I have to try very hard to keep my efforts to myself pretty much, or at least to go about raising awareness in a calm manner. This gets difficult for me, as I see what's happening with the vaccine program as genocide.

Right now the nutshell bit of information I believe it is most important that people know is that there is currently 25mcg per dose of the mercury based preservative thimerosal in flu vaccines. Read about this before you get your next shot! My car has bumper stickers that tell people this very important information.

A list of my children

Oh dear, did I say that the most important thing was vaccine injury and justice for the vaccine injured? I lied. The most important things, to me, are these:

My four children, and my husband.

I know this isn't the way that headings are supposed to be used. I'm supposed to use them more in the way that one would set up an outline. But if you want to know what things are most important to me, in my life, you can see that now.