
Assignment 13

Preparing My Wireframe for Production

My Alternate Sketches


Color Harmonies

Color or hue is very subjective and it's use should be handled with care. The subject matter of my final project calls for use of colors that will be attention grabbing and complimentary. My choices are going to be black, brown and yellow. Within these three hues, I want to use varying shades of each to expand the use and further create a theme for the website. The links will be have a rollover effect using two of the previously mentioned hues. The background image will have elements of each hue which will create a overall cohesiveness.

My Palette using Web Safe Hues

color palette


The font family I'm using will be a serif font, preferably Futura for the headlines and sub-heads. The body copy I plan on using serif font, like times. The serif font is readable at lower point sizes than a san-serif would be.

Type Examples

type examples