Christopher Bruening
Web Publishing I,Fall 2011
A Glimpse Into The Curious World Of Christopher Bruening . . . Come On In
I have decided to take Web Publishing I/HTML for a couple of different reasons. First off, it is a requirement for the two year Interactive Multimedia degree that I have been working more than four years to achieve. Secondly, it has always peaked my interest and I feel as if I'm at a good point in my life to learn and understand it.
My Goals:
- I hope to learn how to create a nicely put together web page, that's a bit more than basic - and interactive too!!
- I hope that I will use the information that I gain from this class in a more useful way other than just personal fun and entertainment. I'm not positive of what type of career path that life has in store for me, but any knowledge gained along the way would only help in the end.
- I hope to one day reflect on my life and breathe deep in relief. I would like to achieve my goals and live a "full/good" life. I would like to have a decent house, an amazing wife and some awesome kids running around and a good career. Simple, yet perfect.
My Favorite Foods:
- Anything potatoe!! (PEROGIES!!)
- Steak (of course)
- Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo