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Denise Vatavuk Web Publishing I, Fall 2011

My career thoughts from the begining

I am taking this class to learn about HTML. This class is also in my major of Interactive Media program sequence. I do believe this class is vital in order to achieve success in my career to come. This class will give me a basic understanding of HTML and open the door to future classes of its kind. All four Web Publishing classes are in my program.

My Goals

  1. What I hope to learn from this class is knowledge about HTML. How to create a web page suitable for the viewer's browser of choice.
  2. I hope this class will give me the opportunity of beginning to build experience for my career to come. In a year or two I want to be using the skills I have learned from this class in my job.
  3. Another goal in life that I have is to have job satisfaction. I believe it is important to be proud of your life's work.

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