
GIFs, JPGs & PNGs:
Web Image Compression Comparisons

When it comes to compressing images for use on the Web, the Web designer's dilemma is whether to use GIF, JPG or PNG image files. Generally, the rule of thumb is for flat images or images with very few colors, save images as GIF files. For images with multiple coloration and shadows, save images as JPGs.

Some things to take into consideration when compressing image files include:

See the images below to determine how the file formats compare.

Snowman One

GIF Snowman in Forest JPG Snowman in Forest PNG Snowman in
File size - 37.94K
Image size - 75%
Dither - 40%
Colors - 128
Load time - 8 sec @ 56.6 Kbps
File size - 17.09
Image size - 75%
Quality - 50
Load time - 4 sec @ 56.6Kbps
File size - 36.06K
Image size - 75%
Dither - 100%
Colors - 128
Load time - 7 sec @ 56.6 Kbps

Snowman Two

GIF Snowman Wearing Derby and Scarf JPG Snowman
Wearing Derby and Scarf PNG-8 Snowman Wearing Derby and
File size - 4.444K
Image size - 50%
Dither - 50%
Colors - 32
Load time - 2 sec @ 56.6 Kbps
File size - 14.2K
Image size - 50%
Quality - 100
Load time - 3 sec @ 56.6Kbps
File size - 5.022K
Image size - 50%
Dither - 100%
Colors - 64
Load time - 2 sec @ 56.6 Kbps

Snowman Three

GIF Snowman Wearing Boater Hat JPG Snowman
Wearing Boater Hat PNG-8 Snowman Wearing Boater Hat
File size - 5.346K
Image size - 100%
Dither - 50%
Colors - 16
Load time - 2 sec @ 56.6 Kbps
File size - 18.75K
Image size - 50%
Quality - 100
Load time - 4 sec @ 56.6Kbps
File size - 5.258K
Image size - 100%
Dither - 50%
Colors - 16
Load time - 2 sec @ 56.6 Kbps

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