Why I'm taking this class.
As a visual communication and media student it is important to learn at least a bit about all aspects of new media. This, of corse, includes HTML, the backbone of web design. I hope to learn all I can about web design in order to be the best I can in whatever field I end up in.
I'm in the second semester of my visual communication and design studies at Tri-C. I have an Associates of Science, which I also earned from Tri-C. My desire is to begin a career that allows me to problem solve while being creative.
About Me
My interests are varied, but often intersect at my love of science.
I enjoy learning about science, especially astronomy. I also create digital art for my own amusement. I have always been a fan of Legos and love creating, working with my hands and problem solving.
Contact Me
You can contact me at (440) 123-4567 at or E-mail me at Brian.Reed001@tri-c.edu