Barb's Super-Titled Web Page
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Barbara Somrack - This is All About Me

I learned web publishing once, and have since forgotten everything. It was fun, at least what I remember. Fluency in web design is and essential skill, every single job posting I've seen requires, at the very least, an understanding of HTML.

I also am in desperate need of a redesigned portfolio/resume web site. Rather than pay another designer oodles of cash, or buying a template (yuck), I'm spending the cash on learning the skill myself. This will hopefully help expand my freelance business.

I like lots of things

Fitness & Health


  1. Local Foods
  2. Experiencing Culture Shock
  3. Seeing historically significant places

Random things

  1. Cleveland Browns
  2. Trying New Restaurants/Ethnic Foods
  3. Random outdoor sports/activities (rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, ice skating on Lake Erie, etc...)

© Barbara Somrack 2012