& I spent a couple of hours planning for the class we're co-teaching—
Interactive Media. My notes for the day's session don't look all that interesting,
but things got off to a good start. Seventeen students - full house! - most
of whom are IM majors.
We did introductions: what's your name, major, why are you taking the class. More interesting was the fun ice-breaker that involves saying two things about yourself that are true, and one that is a lie. It did just what it's supposed to, which is let people enjoy talking about interesting things about each other.
The lie I told was that I worked as a short-order chef. Fact is, it's always been a desire of mine, ever since I went to Aspen and watched the guy who made breakfasts at the little "breakfast only" place in town. He was a master, could crack eggs singly-handedly, with two in each hand, then tranfer them to the frying pan. I'd sit at the counter just to watch him work. Well, that and eat breakfast too.