What I've Learned

This was my first site using multiple Divs. I was a little unsure (and I still slightly am) as to how to properly use Divs. I pretty much made a few of them and played around with their positioning until I had somewhat of a grasp on how to get everything where I wanted it. It was interesting to see how I could place different pictures all over the page. Before I was just kind of placing one picture at the top of the page and then everything else was text. I didn’t know how to place pictures all over the page. Another thing I learned, that I was very excited about, was how to place Divs within Divs.

Before the text, images, and other elements on my sites would move as your resized the browser window, now I know how to avoid that and keep my content in place. I’ve been using the recommended text book as a reference and it really has helped me out a lot. I like in the back of the book there is an up to date CSS tag index. I would recommend buying it and reading through it. It will really help you understand XHTML and CSS better. One thing I would like to learn better is flash.