Sam Angello

Lighting/Sound Productions:

Angry face

Sound is what I really like to play around with. For the play “War of the Worlds” I recreated all of the foley sound effects live for each performance. We had a toilet flushing, laser guns shooting, glass breaking, military attacking, audience cheering, bells ringing etc… The idea was to do it as Orson Wells would have done it on live radio. It was very realistic and much appreciated by cast and crew.

Angry face

I was involved with the production of “War of the Worlds” a few years ago. My job was to create lighting that was reminiscent of old photographs, where the was hues of browns, tans and faded color. So I came up with some special lighting jells that faded out the actors clothing, and skin tones so they looked like moving photographs. It was eerie and made the production one of our best.


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