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Who am I?

My name is Frank, I love Folk Art. I am a self proclaimed bad folk artist. I create art in my spare time witch is almost never. I enjoy mountain Biking and taking short trips.

There are lots of things in the world that we need and want, but in my opinion fun art is something we all need. It makes people smile and feel happy. So wont you check out some cool folk art and maybe even decide to decorate your walls.

Things you need:

  1. Money
  2. Food
  3. Art

Some of my Art

Ape Art

Dog Art

Elephant Art

Price list:

Size Price A Price B
3" x 3" $30 $40
6" x 6" $50 $60

What a great deal!

Wow: With these prices you should buy 3, so spend some dollars and buy some art!

Remember: There are two types of people in this world, what kind are you?

Check only one:

I Love Art:
I hate Art:

Other Great folk Artist
Dr. Bob
Brian Dowdall
Lamar Sorrento
