

Birth and Family of Aphrodite

As her name implies, Aphrodite (aphro="foam"+dite="arisen"), was created from the foam of the crystal waters of Paphos in the fragrant island of Cyprus, when the Titan Cronus slew his father, the major Titan Uranus, and threw then his genitals into the sea.

Aphrodite was married to the lame smith Hephaestus, who was the Olympian God of the Iron, but her heart was devoted to Ares, the God of War, with whom Aphrodite was having a passionate, but secret love affair.

According to a myth, Aphrodite gave birth to Eros, the winged cupid of love and was often accompanied by him. Other children of Aphrodite were Hemeros, Pothos(desire), Phobos(fear), Demos, Harmonia and Rhodes.

The Role of Aphrodite as a Goddess

Aphrodite was the most attractive goddess of Mount Olympus. She was the goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth, arousing desire to gods and humans as well as birds and beasts. In addition, she was connected with the death/rebirth of nature and human beings.

Appearance and Sacred Symbols

Aphrodite was a highly attractive young woman who dressed elegantly and loved to wear jewellery. Her eyelashes were curled and she had a constant smile on her lovely face, since she was a lover of smiles. Aphrodite had a tender neck, tender breasts and beautiful buttocks.

Aphrodite's symbols were the girdle, which she was using to compel love, the seashell and the mirror. Her sacred animal was the dove.

The Roman name of Aphrodite is "Venus"