

Family Tree of Apollo

Apollo was born by the King of the Gods Zeus and the mortal Leto in the divine Greek island of Delos. He was the younger twin of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

Apollo and the Music

Apollo was the Greek god of the Music. He invented the lute(a plucked string instrument with a body shaped like a pear), but most popular he was for his playing the lyre, which was invented by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Apollo excelled in important music contests, competing against Greek god Hermes and the Satyr Pan as well as other deities.

Apollo, the god of Prophecy

In addition, Apollo owned the precious gift of prophecy, given to him by his father Zeus in his infacy, and was the patron of the ancient city of Delphi, where the first oracle in Ancient Greece was located. The disctrict was considered to be the Navel of the World (the "Omphalus") in Ancient times.

Appearance and Sacred Symbols

Apollo was a handsome, youthful god with impressive golden hair.

His symbols were the lyre, the tripod, the laurel tree and the navelstone.

The Roman name of Apollo is "Apollo"