Robin's Home Page

One word to describe life. ADVENTURE Yes, life is an adventure
It's great when the adventure is traveling.
But, at times it is just learning something new,
whether it be physically challenging like learning to ski
or mentally challenging like learning to create a web page. Adventure lets me combine some of my favorite things:
Traveling, meeting people, and taking pictures.
For many of my adventures I was able to combine traveling to a new place
and learning something new.


Veronica & Donielle my adventure buddies.

A few of my bucket list items.
White water rafting, skiing, Hike the Grand Canyon, traveling to Europe.
The first white water rafting trip was on the Kicking Horse Rive in British Colubia. Wow. What a ride.
Hiking the North Rim of the Grand Canon, and riding a mule. Grateful it was only a 2 hour ride on the mule, and not all the way to the bottom.


This is a link to Robin's Travels

This is a link to Robin's Ruins

This is a link to Robin's Scenic Route

This is a link to Robins' Cities Around the World

This is a link to Robin's Cruises