Tagline: The Bill of Rights: What is it and Why Should I Care?

This assignment so far has truthfully been a royal pain due to the fact that i fall into the category of really not knowing or caring about what the Bill of Rights is. Sure i learned it in high school (or before) but it was just a quick chapter that we passed up without ever looking back or proving why i should really care about it.

With this assignment i am hoping to not only teach the generation y-er's (which i myself fall somewhat into) but to also myself and maybe prove to others like me why its important to know and how it can benefit me.

Last week i posted a few videos about different things pertaining to the Bill of Rights, mainly the first two amendments. This week I am also posting a few videos because in my personal opinion those are the easiest and least boring source of information i could find.

Video about rap and the 1st Amendment - (Unfortunately I couldn't embed this one...sorry!)

The Power of Expression (Part 1)

The Power of Expression (Part 2)

And just for some Halloween Fun