Understanding these basics will help you on your Photography travels
The Basics
The opening through which light travels.
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The measurement of the aperture setting in a camera lens.
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Shutter Speed
Shutter speed controls the amount of time that your film, or digital sensor, is exposed to light.
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Depth of Field
Depth of field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp.Read more
Lens Focal length
It is the distance from the lens to the film.Read more
The sense of depth or spatial relationships between objects in the photo, along with their dimensions with respect to the viewpoint (camera lens or the viewer).Read more
Camera Types
There are many types of cameras, using more than one can make your photo shoots more interesting.Read more
Shooting with film is a great way to get more control out of your photos.Read more
Understanding lenses can help add more creative control.Read more
A flash is a device used in photography producing a flash of artificial light.Read more
A tripod is used to stabilize and elevate a camera, a flash unit, or other photographic equipment.Read more