of the things we do during the first Introduction to
Visual Communications class each semester is have each student decide
what shape they "are": circle, square, triangle or rectangle. Strangely enough,
this is quite easy. They draw the shape on a piece of paper
and hold them up for the entire class to see. We do a quick count to see
what we have. Sometimes the room is mostly squares or circles or, today,
At left you can see the number of student who chose each shape, written over a list of peoples' favorite music (another Day 1 question).
About half the class this semester are: focused, decisive, ambitious, competitive (positive traits) and dogmatic, political, driven and impatient (negative traits). Who says so? Well, these are drawn from an article on Geometric Psychology by Dr. Susan Dellinger. While most people find these statements to be generally accurate, I haven't been able to find any supporting evidence on the web. Most links end up pointing back to the original article. Kind of fun to think about, though.
voice(s) of experience
One of my favorite things in the Portfolio Preparation class is inviting 3-4 recent grads back to talk to the current class. This year I decided to do it during the very first class, to give people something to think about from the git-go.
This year it was (left to right in photo) Sugeiry and Jon from the 2006 class, and Scott and Dallas from the 2005 group. They had good stuff to share. I recorded about 40 minutes worth, and would love to get at least a bit of it on this site in some form. With all the work that is piling up already, only one week into the semester, I'm not sure how/when that will happen.