The ambiance leaves a little to be desired, but the food...
hope this sign was put there by a thoughtful student and not the cafeteria
After finishing my presentation at Normandy High sooner than expected, I had time for a leisurely lunch of vegetable soup and french fries with my special mixture of mayo/barbeque sauce on the side. At 2 pm I had my choice of tables, so didn't have to risk sitting at this one.
The high school visit, something I very rarely do, was my annual reminder that I could never cut it as a high school teacher. The students I spoke with, about 20 of them, were fairly attentive and respectful. "Fairly" as in they mostly listened and asked mostly reasonable questions.
I provided only limited entertainment value by talking about the Click! High School Web Competition. Probably only slightly more interesting than their normal class work. If I do this again I have to try to figure out a way to engage them in some give & take.
Good use of white space.
Ads for rock bands, or in this case, a bassist for a rock band, are usually quite a bit messier than this one. You've got to admire the restrained "less is more" approach taken with this flyer, found on the counter in the men's room at Tri-C West.
Especially nice is the unconventional positioning of the tear-off tabs on the right edge in the middle of the sheet.
Seriously, as these things go, it's better than most.
The future of graffiti?
If you're interested in what may be next in the world of graffiti, take a look at this video showing a portable laser projection system some Dutch graffiti writers are using to tag a multi-story building.
You can't see it in this still image, but "drips" of light run down from the letters, a digital simulation of paint drips.
This link was sent to me by Garrett, a student who's been in several of my classes and incidentally is a former winner in the Click! High School Web Competition.

Advertising = Graffiti is another take on ever-present urban advertising (and what can be done about it) from the Anti-Advertising Agency.
More high-tech stuff at Graffiti Research Lab.