That's the idea!
These turtles sunning themselves on a log in the canal along the Towpath Trail got it right. About 5 minutes later I followed their example (minus the water and the log). I laid down on the grass and soaked in the sun's warmth for about a half hour before continuing my walk.
It was a fantastic day. People I passed on the trail were cheerier than usual, probably because this sunny early Spring day lifted everyone's spirits.
Thinking back to burning calories I tried to keep up a "brisk walk," 3.5 mph. On the way back I used my camera's time stamp to check how long it took to walk 2.5 miles: 40 minutes, about 3.75 mph. This should account for about 400 calories, which made me feel less guilt about munching on trail mix on the drive home.
love the towpath, both its natural beauty and the remnants of the locks, aqueducts
and other structures from the canal's heyday around 1900.
I took my siesta at Lock 35, only about a half mile from my starting point at Station Road Bridge. I walked about two miles more to the south, to Red Lock where I took this picture.
The afternoon reminded me of similar days when I was teaching at Herron School of Art in Indianapolis, 1996-99.
I had only an evening class on Wednesdays, so I'd usually start the day with a big breakfast at one of two favorite restaurants. Later in the day I'd run along the Central Canal that meanders through parts of Indy.
It was generally the best day of the week for me, except maybe for Thursday afternoon when I caught a flight home to Cleveland, family and friends.