

Hebe was the daughter of Zeus and Hera However, according to a myth of that time, Hera had been impregnated solely by wild lettuce, while having dinner with the Greek god Apollo

Hebe was the sister of Aresand Hephaestusand Eilythia, the goddess of childbirth.

Hebe was residing on Mount Olympus and was acting as a servant to the Olympian Gods, pouring sweet nectar into their glasses, until Ganymede, the lover of Zeus, was brought to Mount Olympus and replaced the goddess.

Hebe married Heracles just after he had obtained immortality, and the couple gave birth to two sons. Through Hebe, Heracles also gained eternal youth which was much to the dislike of Hebe's mother, Hera, who was fighting against Heracles constantly.

Appearance of Hebe

A youthful woman with a golden wreath