
Hope you enjoyed this website about one of the greatest Graphic Designers, Jan Tschichold. A pioneer, a legend and a revolutionary designer that has contributed a great deal in the past and continues to contribute through his students and his followers in the field of graphic design. It's been a pleasure and a great learning experience for me by designing and building this website, I have learned a great deal about design, typography, color, etc. Jan Tschichold is one of the greatest designers to ever live and a great influence in the field as well, so we Thank You for that.

For more information about the website, the author or the designer please feel free to contact me at one of the following:

Name:: Q. Qirjazi
Field:: Graphic Design, Ineractive Media, Motion Graphics
Work:: Freelance, School

Phone:: 440-212-1160
Website: www.qqirjazi.com