About This Project

The Final Project requirement for VCIM 1570 - Web Publishing I is to create a functional, mini-site that includes at a minimum; a home page, a secondary or subpage, and an About page (like this one). Our assigned topic was anything to do with Music.

Why Jim Morrison?

I chose to build a site about Jim Morrison because of my love for the music of The Doors—the late 60's American rock band that has attained almost mythical status in the world of rock thanks in large part to its front man, Jim Morrison.

I listened to my first Doors (compilation) album (13) in junior high and I was hooked. My interest continued to grow through the years until I met my future wife, who also had a love for Jim Morrison and The Doors (although for maybe slightly different reasons), and then it soared. We spent many weekends together visiting whole-in-the-wall record shops, searching out and collecting all things related to Jim and The Doors - albums, bootleg recordings, videos, books, posters, tickets and on and on. Our collection eventually grew to number in the hundreds of items.

Then came marriage and kids and our hobby had to take a back seat. A couple years ago we went to see Riders on the Storm at the House of Blues. Original Doors, Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger, formed the band so they could continue to play their music. Brett Scallions, former lead singer of the band Fuel, was their lead singer when we saw them and I thought he did an excellent job. The energy that night was amazing - the songs really hold up.

So when I had this opportunity to build a sight about music - the choice was easy.