An infinite number of monkeys
Scanning the subject lines in my spam folder always makes me think of the infinite monkey theory: an infinite number of monkeys typing on typewriters for an infinite amount of time will eventually produce the complete works of William Shakespeare. So maybe someday reading my spam titles will yield something great.
Here's today:
Re: Your account has been flagged! Re: He rensselaer The Only Penis Pill that Works 111 Alyson Your future I what shallow Go because savvy No utile as attract Private: Renewal Fwd: Pharmacy bulletin usMake do aural myself troposphere Photoshop, Windows, Office add 3 inche to your penis guaranteed 22 I am 79 years young! Don't be left out,join millions of men in the revolution! 0EM Software System Account: Renewal Avoid enhancement pills Daily News 964356052801303 Customer Notification Order Confidential Qualified help to and new solutions for Men! The Only Penis Pill that Works 34 Re[5]: maybe it's the best time Newsweek's "conservative" estimate of unemployment Highly Recommended Vigramax It desperado this macro I those butch lower your monthly medication expenses Of christine which prevent Or whichever esteem Microsoft3,Adobee+M0RE starting at 29$
OK, maybe tomorrow, then.
Sébastien Chevrel
Artist, designer, programmer focusing on interactive media. This is the guy I'd like to be when I grow up, except that of course it's too late for me. Maybe he can inspire you.
Lots of great stuff. I especially like You and We, The Narrative You Anticipate You May Produce, The Art of Modern Rock, well actually just about everything I clicked on at his website.
OK, you should check out Road Trip, too. It's not an earth-shaking new idea (see Bill Klingensmith's Drive Project, among others), but putting the camera in the back seat for a drive across America makes it better. You see not only the country but the interaction between the two driver/riders.
Because there are 12,000 pictures (one every 10 seconds for 5 days) it takes awhile to watch, playing at 15 frames per second. I really would have liked an animated map that showed where you were at any point in the film.
- Student portfolio review
- Dad's birthday
- Red {an orchestra}
- Web 2.0 successes
- Car tattoos
- Great brunch
- TED Talks
- Poor infographic
- Silverlight vs. Flash
- Recycle + exercise
- Better designer tips
- Our Town, CPT
- Audio news
- Old Ford
- Sound of ideas
- Nashville trip
- Dream house
- Soccer in the suburbs
- Hospital story
- Fragments
- Mixed message
- Multiculturalism at Tri-C
- Pretzels
- SEO Pyramid