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News & Comment |
| June 2000 | Updated
Every month I look for themes or ideas that seem to be circulating around the Web/design/education communityat least the part I'm aware of. This month's themes are related to ones we've discussed in the past few months. So here we go (again). Cancer
on the Web? Of course one person's enjoyment is another's annoyance. Discussions have been bouncing around the AIGA-Advance list lately, some prompted by A Cancer on the Web called Flash, an editorial at Flazoom.com, a website devoted to Flash & related work. Read the article for a no-holds-barred critique. For a more positive approach, try the guidelines proposed in Using Flash and DHTML for Good not Evil at Alistapart.com. My opinions can be found in the March issue's Comment. Vote in our online poll about Flash, too. Barcelona So I don't know why, but you've encouraged me to add more photos and a recording of wonderful music we heard when visiting Barcelona last August. Hope you enjoy them. CD-ROMs
finding their niche The first is The Day the War Came Home, an interactive CD that documents the May 4, 1970 shootings on the Kent campus with photos, maps, and video interviews. The CD and companion issue of the student magazine The Burr are available at www.burr.kent.edu. Also, see the online May 4 Special Issue. See also our comment and other resources related to the 30th anniversary of the shootings. Another grim reminder of our need to understand (I hope it's that and not just voyeurism) such events is the investigation of the Columbine High School massacre, documented on CD-ROM by the Jefferson County (CO) Sheriff's office. Might
be heavenly Your
card, please Prices get as low as $1.50 each in larger quantities, making this a viable alternative for multimedia artists who need to promote their work. Other shapes/sizes are available that hold up to 250Mb of data. One supplier that looks promising (I haven't ordered from any of them yet) is DiscMakers at www.discmakers.com. You can find others with a web search. Erie
Sirens Continue
this conversation As of 6/7/00
there are still a few openings left, so sign up (use link above) if
you'd like to explore these ideas. A similar workshop in 1994 changed
my life. I can't promise you that, but we can try. - Al Wasco 6/8/00 [Top] | [HOME] | [ABOUT this site] | [Email] Tell
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Kent State
remembered... AIGA-Advance... Interactive Indiana Macintosh Flash animation:
devil or angel?... Mexican graffiti... Web usability...
Mexican graveyards... online Valentine cards... Yahoo!...
CoolStop Award... Multimedia, the Web & CD-ROM... Our new look...
Goodbye, AOL... Ideas for critiques...
What I know
about you... Teaching computer-based media... Nudes in Parma Graffiti
& hip-hop... Better critiques... Photoshop 5.5 vs. Fireworks 2 Swiss
Design Quiz... Barcelona... AIGA / NASAD briefing
paper... Upgrade
junkies, Report
from International Design Conference at Aspen "Interactive
Design" or "New Media?" If no author
name is show, article is written by Al Wasco, author of this
website. Join in the conversation! Please send your comments on any article and/or suggestions for future articles by clicking on the [Email] link on any page.