I really feel bad
It's not enough that I had the date wrong on my calendar for what sounded like an interesting performance. A friend called earlier today and said that she'd found a website for the group, Analog Arts Ensemble, that listed the date as Feb. 3, last Saturday.
But then I went to the website to read about the concert and it sounds great. How could you not want to hear this, as described in the program notes:
"Oh Superman" remains the most unlikely #1 hit in history. Laurie Anderson's electronic classic is an embrace of the inescapably fragmented identity of a modern female, and ANALOG uses the minimalist motives of the song to construct a Reillian improvisation piece. Anderson's titular evocation of Nietzsche's ubermensch is never sublimated by a similarly powerful female construct, but rather a detente is reached, which is simultaneously barren and cozy, a true snapshot of modern gender identity.
Seriously, I really am bummed about missing it. So we're going to the cheap movie theater to see Borat instead. Sigh. Wonder if it will be a true snapshot of modern gender identity too?
(Later that night) Borat was OK, would have been funnier if a half hour shorter. And it's truly frightening to think about the frat boys as a "true snapshot of modern gender identity. "
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