Ideas about the web, from the web
Web 2.0 = Bad Design?
- He's baaaack... Jakob Nielsen, loved/hated a few years ago as the "guru of usability," weighs in on Web 2.0. Nielsen is easy to parody because of his resolutely plain website and his relentless self-promotion (with photos of course), but you'd be foolish to ignore his message about keeping the focus on how people use the web.
- Linear vs. interactive storytelling
- Advertisers learn how to let consumers (that's us) take part in the story. Or in advertising-speak: "...interactive media allows you the opportunity to complement the linear brand narrative with “My Narrative” — thus reinforcing your big idea even more."
- Inside Google
- An entire issue of .net magazine devoted to one of the most powerful forces on the web. Unfortunately the issue is sold out on the website—check your local bookstore or library.
- Interactive / Media / Design
- From the Royal Academy of Art The Hague, The Netherlands, a blog about... well, you figure it out.
- Birds' life 5/14/07
- Chess players 5/13/07
- Portfolio Show 2 5/12/07
- Memory map 5/12/07
- Russian visa 5/11/07
- Portfolio Show 1 5/11/07
- Encyclopedia of Life 5/10/07
- Neighborhood life 5/10/07
- Safe area 5/9/07
- Crile Building 5/9/07
- Passport photo 5/8/07
- Interactive toys 5/8/07
- Long night 5/7/07
- Lilacs 5/7/07
- Forgot to remember 5/6/07
- Cyclist colors 5/6/07
- Spring colors 5/5/07
- Click! judging 5/5/07
- Massage 5/4/07
- Rocky River park 5/4/07
- Beauty & beholder 5/3/07
- Browsercam 5/3/07
- Night game 5/2/07
- Classified website 5/2/07
- Classified video 5/1/07
- Student portfolio review
- Dad's birthday
- Red {an orchestra}
- Web 2.0 successes
- Car tattoos
- Great brunch
- TED Talks
- Poor infographic
- Silverlight vs. Flash
- Recycle + exercise
- Better designer tips
- Our Town, CPT
- Audio news
- Old Ford
- Sound of ideas
- Nashville trip
- Dream house
- Soccer in the suburbs
- Hospital story
- Fragments
- Mixed message
- Multiculturalism at Tri-C
- Pretzels
- SEO Pyramid
- Spam, monkeys, Shakespeare
- Sebastien Chevrel
- Spring blossoms
- Towpath Trail
- Designers Toolbox
- Signs of Spring
- Gotta like that
- Map mashup
- Design Can Change
- Grass cutting
- Halloumi cheese
- First sunbathers
- Truck colors