It's a Cleveland thing.
you live in a part of the country that has lots of gray, cloudy days, you
come to appreciate the sunshine. This may seem odd if you live in California,
Arizona, etc.... you take sunshine for granted. But around here it's a precious
commodity a good part of the year. In May we're still shifting out of winter
mode, so we want to savor it. Once we hit June and July it will seem pretty
normal even here on the North Coast.
So we set up our chairs outside so they face directly into the sun for maximum absorption of the warm rays. The chair on the right is set for the morning sun, right about when the picture was taken (look at the shadows). In fact a few minutes later I was sitting in the chair reading and drinking coffee.
Next door my neighbor Jim has his chair facing a different direction, set up for later in the day probably when he gets home from work.
I can't stand it anymore
I try to not buy a lot of stuff, really I do. So despite the fact that
it's just about five years old I've been relatively satisfied with my G4
Macintosh. I've resisted the temptation to get something faster and better
in the many ways that a new computer is better than a five-year-old one.
Today, though, was the last straw. I had to constantly restart my computer when my Internet connection would stop working, courtesy of the crappy add-on wireless adapter I've been using. The gizmo works fine when the weather is cool, but once the temperatures get above 70°F it just stops working after some period of time—somethimes a half hour, sometimes ten or fifteen minutes.
Today was a disaaster. I couldn't work for more than fifteen minutes without a restart.
It's some issue related to the USB wireless device. If I pull it out
of its socket, the mouse & keyboard (also USB) freeze up. So I'm
dead in the water at that point.
As I was writing the paragraph above the problem escalated to the screen shown here, a sign of the charmingly-titled "kernel panic" that the Mac OS is prone to every now & then.
Since this happened (for about the 20th time) at 11:30 pm, I just shut things down and went to bed.
I'm finishing this on Saturday afternoon, after restarting several more times and rebuilding my disk directory with DiskWarrior. It's been close to a half hour without a problem, so I'm feeling pretty edgy. I'm going to save and upload this, then take a break.
I'll talk about the new computer tomorrow. Maybe.
- Amazon recommends 5/24/07
- Long Tail 5/24/07
- Click! winners 5/22/07
- Honda F1 car 5/21/07
- Human directionals 5/20/07
- Sunday sounds 5/20/7
- Marathon 5/20/07
- Icograda, Havana 5/19/07
- Web + politics 5/18/07
- Design excellence 5/18/07
- Sunset 5/18/07
- Flickrvision 5/17/07
- Tri-C Graduation 5/17/07
- Haircut Day 2007 5/16/07
- Kids' Art Show 5/16/07
- Web articles 5/15/07
- Birds' life 5/14/07
- Chess players 5/13/07
- Portfolio Show 2 5/12/07
- Memory map 5/12/07
- Russian visa 5/11/07
- Portfolio Show 1 5/11/07
- Encyclopedia of Life 5/10/07
- Neighborhood life 5/10/07
- Safe area 5/9/07
- Crile Building 5/9/07
- Passport photo 5/8/07
- Interactive toys 5/8/07
- Long night 5/7/07
- Lilacs 5/7/07
- Forgot to remember 5/6/07
- Cyclist colors 5/6/07
- Spring colors 5/5/07
- Click! judging 5/5/07
- Massage 5/4/07
- Rocky River park 5/4/07
- Beauty & beholder 5/3/07
- Browsercam 5/3/07
- Night game 5/2/07
- Classified website 5/2/07
- Classified video 5/1/07
- Student portfolio review
- Dad's birthday
- Red {an orchestra}
- Web 2.0 successes
- Car tattoos
- Great brunch
- TED Talks
- Poor infographic
- Silverlight vs. Flash
- Recycle + exercise
- Better designer tips
- Our Town, CPT
- Audio news
- Old Ford
- Sound of ideas
- Nashville trip
- Dream house
- Soccer in the suburbs
- Hospital story
- Fragments
- Mixed message
- Multiculturalism at Tri-C
- Pretzels
- SEO Pyramid
- Spam, monkeys, Shakespeare
- Sebastien Chevrel
- Spring blossoms
- Towpath Trail
- Designers Toolbox
- Signs of Spring
- Gotta like that
- Map mashup
- Design Can Change
- Grass cutting
- Halloumi cheese
- First sunbathers
- Truck colors