JULY 20, 2009
Today Joanne & I walked to the Lakewood Library and back, 5.3 miles each way, mostly on Detroit Avenue. According to TrailGuru on my iPhone we averaged 3.4 mph on the way out. The phone's battery died on the way home so I don't know for sure, but I'd bet that we were walking noticeably slower. Ouch.
By the time we got to the nine mile mark, about where this sign used to say "TIRE & AUTO," both of us were discovering sore toes, knees, and/or ankles. Since we've been talking about the idea of walking a marathon distance—26 miles—just for the heck of it, this was not reassuring.
My hiking boots—which felt great on the rocky paths of the Grand Canyon—felt too tight and confining on mile after mile of concrete sidewalk. I put a couple of band-aids on a tender spot as we started for home and that helped one sore spot, but others developed later. Joanne had a similar set of issues. The thought of walking two-and-a-half times this distance seems less appealing. We decided to try a sixteen mile walk to see how that goes.
So, what did we learn today?
- If you have three or four hours you can walk from our house to West 151 & Detroit and back.
- It 's only fun part of the time.
- Phoenix Coffee in Lakewood makes great cappuccino.
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