MAY 31, 2009
Coast Guard station update
I've talked before about the old Coast Guard station at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. In winter its white tower blends with the snow-covered lake, in spring it stands out against the sky and water. Any time of the year—even though it's falling apart due to neglect—the streamlined building's original beauty is still obvious.
So it was great to see an article in the Plain Dealer on Friday describing $500,000 worth of repairs now underway. This will apparently be just enough to fix the roof.
Wally and I visited the station today and it was easy to see why the money can't do more. The damage is so extensive that what remains after the demo work will probably be just the structural steel. Everything else will need to be rebuilt.
There's a long, long way to go, but at least this is a start.
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