AUGUST 6, 2009
Big organic
At my house we've made a pretty significant switch to buying organic dairy products. One of our favorites is Stonyfield Farms yogurt. The lowfat varieties are very good, and the whole milk is to die for. There's a half inch layer of cream on the top of the container that's just fantastic. Turns out that Stonyfield Farms is close to my daughter Sharon's place in New Hampshire, so this week's visit included a field trip to the plant.
When you walk in to the Visitor's Center a helpful employee explains apologetically that they no longer give tours of the facility, but you can watch a video and sample yogurt in many flavors and styles. So we did. Apparently Stonyfield Farms started as a small hippie operation and grew into a big corporate processing plant. The video was OK: I learned to my surprise that yogurt remains liquid milk throughout the entire mixing, packing and labelling process. Finally stacks of cartons are moved into an incubator, a warm room where it becomes yogurt (like we used to do by leaving our homemade mixture in a warm oven overnight).
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