MARCH 15, 2010
Sunday stroll
Yesterday morning a walk to the lake—about a mile and a half—seemed like a pretty good idea. When we passed the Park View there were a half dozen cars parked outside, meaning that brunch was definitely an option. On the way back.
The special: Sausage Biscuits & Gravy. Not the healthiest choice, but one I'm fond of anyway. The Park View's version was light and tasty, not the heavy, gooey glop you'd get at, say, a TA (Travel Centers of America, formerly Truckstops of America).
Sorry to report that the PV's home fries don't quite cut it. Cubes of skin-on potatoes, they taste deep-fried rather than pan-fried. No detectable onion or other tasty additions. For a potato fan like me they were a disappointment. Still, we left the PV well-supplied with calories for the walk home.
Must be a reason
A few blocks away, this flattened garbage can had been painted and pressed into service as a...what? Hard to tell if it was put there after the tree/bush got hacked off or before.
Is is waiting to be picked up with the garbage or is it protecting the telephone pole from the tree. Or vice versa. A colorful mystery.
End of the line
When we got back home and I took off my boots I noticed that my $40 kicks, sporting new heels added by Wlady on Lorain Avenue, were showing serious signs of decay.
The leather, if that's what it is, is disintegrating, and the seam with the boot's sole is splitting apart. My investment in fixing the heels bought me about six months more use.
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