JANUARY 30, 2010
Up In The Air, brought to you by...
If you can get past the constant, blatant product placement by American Airlines and Hilton Hotels, with cameo appearances by Hertz and Chrysler, you might get a laugh or two out of the movie Up In The Air.
Joanne and I walked to our neighborhood movie theater, the Capital, last night. It was brisk—18 degrees—but a spectacular full moon accompanied us. We were hoping for a fun diversion from reality, and UITA provided it. The acting was good and the plot—a brief interlude in the life of a professional hit man who fires people at firms who don't know how to do it themselves—amusing in a dark, this-is-the-world-we-live=in way.
If you want Hollywood escapism and a few laughs, check out UITA. Joanne's advice is wait until it hits the bargain theaters (it will be a lot better for five bucks than for nine). If you want to see a real movie about people you might care about, find where Precious is playing and see it.
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