MARCH 1, 2010
What's wrong with this picture?
Seems kind of odd, doesn't it?
Last Friday, TEDxCLE brought together a group of the liveliest movers and shakers in the area to talk about truly visionary and inspiring projects.
Whether big (innovation at the Cleveland Clinic that caught President Obama's attention) or small (local designers and entrepreneurs transforming neighborhoods), the energy and creativity was bubbling over.
[See more at Great Ideas, Pt.1 and More Great Ideas, Pt. 2]
Unfortunately, this morning when I searched the Plain Dealer's online sidekick, you can see what I found.
That's right, nothing. Zip. Nada.
I don't know if the TEDxCLE organizers ignored the PD or the PD ignored them, but either way it's bad news for all of us. We see plenty of bad news in the Plain Dealer, from mass murders to Forbes' misery index. Here's a substantial piece of good news and it's nowhere to be found.
Compare this to what happens when you search Twitter for TEDxCLE: plenty of comments, both after the fact and, if you want to go back in time, during the event itself.
You might also want to visit the TEDxCLE page on Facebook: not much there today, but one comment really struck me, something about "preaching to the choir."
Don't get me wrong, I love Twitter, Facebook and most social networking sites. But to some degree—well, by design, in fact—social media specializes in preaching to the choir. You sign up, join, subscribe to things you're already interested in. If you don't know about it you certainly aren't a friend, a fan or a subscriber. That's where old media comes in. You might buy the PD or go to to check the score of the Cavs game and stumble across an article on TEDxCLE.
Well, you would if there were an article on TEDxCLE, that is.
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