The View From 32


JULY 14, 2007  

Clouds & music

A great summer evening is to get lawn tickets for a Cleveland Orchestra concert at Blossom Music Center and lay there watching the clouds slide by as beautiful music washes over you. When these particular clouds were floating overhead, it was Debussy's Ibéria.

As we watched the sky there were enough gray clouds mixed in to make rain a constant possibility, but actually only a few sprinkles fell. The rain didn't even last long enough for me to get the rain poncho completely unfolded, but it was enough to reward us with a rainbow afterwards.

There was a cool breeze, a mellow crowd, and no mosquitoes...just about perfect. And the fact that we got free tickets via CoolCleveland made it even better. I'm not sure what I did to get on the CC VIP list, but I'm glad I did. Every couple of months they send me an invitation to an event like this, and I go to as many as I can.

I felt a bit guilty that neither Joanne nor I did much schmoozing during the pre-concert party. Mostly we just snarfed down the free food and drinks. I did spend a few minutes chatting with a guy from JumpStart, NE Ohio's venture capital development organization. Since venture capitalists are not in my usual circle of friends, the evening wasn't totally devoid of networking. I'll try harder next time, I promise (just keep those tickets coming).


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